Having problems with ScottishPower? Use Resolver to make a complaint.
It’s quick, easy and (best of all) it’s free.
How do we calculate metrics?
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69 %

Resolution rate

Most complained about services

Dual Fuel (Gas & Electricity) Supply Electricity Supply Gas Supply

Most common issues

Billing issue Debt related problem Complaint handling issue
Having problems with ScottishPower? Use Resolver to make a complaint.
It’s quick, easy and (best of all) it’s free.

Resolver is not affiliated to, linked with or otherwise endorsed by ScottishPower.
We are an entirely independent issue-resolution tool that enables the raising and handling of consumer issues, making complaining simpler for everyone.

How does Resolver work?

Free forever

Resolver is free. Just raise a case and leave feedback after. Simple! We’ve helped millions of people find a resolution. Get started now and let’s get this sorted.

Know your rights

There’s no jargon in our rights guides. Instead, they’re full of the info you need to get things sorted. We’ll always be on hand with guidance and support to help you get the results you’re looking for.

Get your voice heard

You can be certain that you’re talking to the right person at the right time. We automatically connect you to contacts at thousands of household names, ombudsmen and regulators to find a resolution.

Here's what some of our 5,082,475 users had to say

"After 14 months @ScottishPower have finally paid me 5 days after @resolvercouk"
KernowPhoto via twitter
Resolver helped me claim back over £500 from my bank for a missold account. I couldn't have done it without them - thank you so much Resolver, you are real hero's.
Lisa R via facebook
As soon as Resolver got involved the problem was sorted out within weeks and I received some compensation from Scottish Power.
Richard W via facebook
Took on Scottish power after 2 years of continued refusal to listen to one word I was saying. Amazing support and fantastic outcome, thank you x
Gail T via facebook
Have used Resolver twice. First with PPI, got a nice cheque. Secondly, an energy provider were avoiding all my attempts to obtain a refund for my elderly Mother who was paying twice the monthly amount and amassing a huge amount of credit. No emails, letters or calls made any difference until I got Resolver involved. In less that 7 days, they issued a refund and halved her monthly direct debit.
Chris N via facebook
Helped getting money owed to my late mother's electricity account
Pauline C via facebook
Thanks Resolver for mediating in a successful dispute with Scottish Power. A very speedy resolution.
Kev via trustpilot
Thanks Resolver for mediating in a successful dispute with ScottishPower. A very speedy resolution.
Kev via trustpilot
I complained to Scottish Power through Resolver on 24th April. I receiverd a phone call from them 1st May explaining what had happened and solving the problem.
John D via facebook

Helping you with ScottishPower

I want to get hold of ScottishPower customer services

Resolver can help you contact ScottishPower customer services for all your communications, from simply changing your address to concerns over billing or a dispute. The great thing is, if then something goes wrong and you are dissatisfied you have a complete record of your case that you can send to the Ombudsman.

How do I make a complaint to ScottishPower using Resolver?

If you want to make a complaint about ScottishPower using Resolver, then the process could not be simpler. All you do answer a few simple questions as Resolver finds out precisely what sort of complaint you wish to make. We will then offer you our initial advice on how to proceed with the ScottishPower complaint. If you wish to continue with your complaint, we will help you create an email to send to ScottishPower. This will detail your issues and spell out how you would like your complaint to be resolved. Alternatively, you can make your complaint by phone.

How does resolver keep records of my ScottishPower complaint?

Resolver records all your details about your ScottishPower complaint in a detailed case file. We also keep a record of any correspondence you send via Resolver and any phone calls you make using our app. We will also keep everything together in your case file, and will help you to package it up if you decide to escalate your complaint beyond ScottishPower.

What if I cannot resolve my complaint with ScottishPower?

After 8 weeks of submiting an issue to ScottishPower, you have the right to send your case to the energy section of Ombudsman Services for electricity or gas disputes. Ombudsman Services is there to independently assess your case for free. resolver will remind you when to send your case file to the ombudsman and can send it into the Ombudsman for you, for free.

Is it free to make a complaint to ScottishPower via Resolver?

Absolutely. Making any complaint via Resolver will never involve any costs for you, the consumer, other than the cost of any phone calls you make (at the cost of a national-rate call), so probably free in your mobile call package.

How seriously will ScottishPower take my complaint?

Encouragingly, ScottishPower is very thorough about its complaints process. Let Resolver handle your ScottishPower complaint, and we’ll help you ensure that you get the best from ScottishPower’s complaints procedure.


What if ScottishPower can’t resolve my complaint to my satisfaction?

There is an Energy Ombudsman, who can force an energy supplier to offer apologies, explanations, resolutions and even financial compensation (in certain circumstances). It’s worth remembering, though, that you’ll first need to make a complaint to ScottishPower, and give them eight weeks to respond, before resorting to the ombudsman.

Does ScottishPower have to report on its number of complaints?

Yes, under the Energy Complaints Handling Regulations of October 2008, all energy firms now report on their energy complaints.  



Contact details

To view the ScottishPower contact details press the button below

View ScottishPower complaints contact details


ScottishPower is a key supplier of energy (electricity and gas) for consumers in the UK. If you wish to contact ScottishPower, Resolver will help and manage your case, and ensure your issue is addressed simply and easily.

ScottishPower Customer Services contact details

You can use Resolver to contact customer services and record all your communications including your phone calls and to manage your case simply and easily for free.

Working with

With Resolver you can send your case to key ombudsmen and regulators including:

The Furniture Ombudsman logo Ombudsman Services logo Financial Ombudsman Service logo CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) logo Gambling Commission logo Consumer Dispute Resolution Ltd logo Transport Focus logo