Green deal - Poor communication skills - call centre

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Based on resolver’s experience to date, call centre staff should be expected to have excellent communications skills as their job is answering telephone calls. If you are not happy with the service you have received you should escalate to a higher point of authority. This gives a more senior member of staff the opportunity to look into your complaint. You should be reassured that your custom with your provider is valued and that your complaint will be responded to within a give timeframe. Keep a note of names of staff and dates of your phone calls. Resolver recommends that you submit your concern in writing, and resolver can assist you in submitting, recording and reminding you when and who to escalate to.

It can be frustrating when call centre staff have poor communication skills!

Resolver can help you to deal with any issues arising quickly, without hassle and for free! As a first step we can help you write your complaint. Click the link below to create your email.
There is a Code of Practice which sets out requirements designed to ensure that all Green Deal Participants and Certification Bodies:

• operate fairly and transparently;
• deliver good customer service;
• have appropriate levels of training;
• and provide appropriate redress mechanisms for customers.

Green Deal Participants and Certification Bodies must ensure that a copy of this Code of Practice is made available, free of charge, to anyone who requests it. This should help you to understand your specific rights if something goes wrong.

A copy can be found here:

Find the best rights for you

We have 5,116 pages of rights advice for you covering 10,944 companies and organisations across 16 public & private sectors. Feel free to browse companies for this specific issue - they're all listed below - but the quickest way to find the best rights for you is by using our unique Rights Finder to access our extensive database of advice.

Start by telling us the name of the company or organisation you have an issue with.

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Helping you with Poor communication skills - call centre

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