Having problems with Lloyds Bank? Use Resolver to make a complaint.
It’s quick, easy and (best of all) it’s free.
How do we calculate metrics?
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Lloyds Bank

66 %

Resolution rate

Most complained about services

Current Accounts Credit Cards Platinum packaged bank account

Most common issues

Packaged bank accounts Customer service issue Charges and fees issue
Having problems with Lloyds Bank? Use Resolver to make a complaint.
It’s quick, easy and (best of all) it’s free.

Resolver is not affiliated to, linked with or otherwise endorsed by Lloyds Bank.
We are an entirely independent issue-resolution tool that enables the raising and handling of consumer issues, making complaining simpler for everyone.

How does Resolver work?

Free forever

Resolver is free. Just raise a case and leave feedback after. Simple! We’ve helped millions of people find a resolution. Get started now and let’s get this sorted.

Know your rights

There’s no jargon in our rights guides. Instead, they’re full of the info you need to get things sorted. We’ll always be on hand with guidance and support to help you get the results you’re looking for.

Get your voice heard

You can be certain that you’re talking to the right person at the right time. We automatically connect you to contacts at thousands of household names, ombudsmen and regulators to find a resolution.

Here's what some of our 5,082,386 users had to say

Fantastic, easy to find out about how to make a claim. Got £3000 back from Lloyds
Mark Ruddock via facebook
Absolutely fantastic. I downloaded this app Sunday, and today Lloyds put over £3000 in my bank for mid sold packaged accounts. It took just one short email through resolver and Lloyds were straight on it. How this is a free service is beyond me. Keep it up guys, and thank you!
Robert W via facebook
Used this site on Friday to send an email to Lloyd's about the fees I'd been paying on my gold account since 1999. Bank called today (Thursday) agreeing to pay over £2,500 in compensation!! Fantastic site, so easy to use and will be recommending to everyone.
Rob M via facebook
I am more ready to complain than the average Brit, but even for me Resolver has made this so much quicker, easier and focused. Keep up the good work Resolver and let's keep poor service and product providers on their toes. With Resolver, it is no longer "to much hassle to complain"; in fact, it is quite fun and rewarding to repay some of the pain you have been given. As the man said, "I'll be back"
Trevor M via facebook
I can't say enough good things about resolver. I had been thinking of making a PPI claim and was considering using a solicitor when I received my MSE e-mail recommending Resolver. I signed up, completed the forms and hey presto got a result. Easy, supportive and hassle free. Every step guided for you, and it took less than 5 minutes. If I ever have another money problem to resolve, Resolver will be my first stop.
Paul L via facebook
Brilliant, thank you! I got a lot back from Lloyd's within a matter of days which I would never have realised I was entitled to.
Marie B via facebook
Superb, great help in claiming money back, would recommend to everyone!
Steve S via facebook
Amazing app, helped me get a refund from a difficult company with ease. Thanks Resolver team!
Matthew T via facebook
Helped me to claim PPI, brilliant. Easy and straight forward and got me money back that I did not expect.
Phil B via facebook

Helping you with Lloyds Bank

How do I make a Lloyds Bank complaint using Resolver?

If you want to make a complaint about Lloyds Bank using Resolver, then the process could not be simpler. All you do answer a few simple questions as resolver finds out precisely what sort of complaint you wish to make. We will then offer you our initial advice on how to proceed with the Lloyds Bank complaint. If you wish to continue with your complaint, we will help you create an email to send to Lloyds Bank. This will detail your issues and spell out how you would like your complaint to be resolved.

Resolver records all your details about your Lloyds Bank complaint in a detailed case file. we also keep a record of any correspondence you send via Resolver and any phone calls you make using our app. We will also keep everything together in your case file, and will help you to package it up if you decide to escalate your complaint beyond Lloyds Bank

Is it free to make a Lloyds Bank complaint via Resolver?

Absolutely. Making any complaint via Resolver will never involve any costs for you, the consumer, other than the cost of any phone calls you make (at the cost of a national-rate call).

Will the Financial Ombudsman Service accept a case from Resolver?

Yes, the Financial Ombudsman Service will accept a case raised in Resolver as a legitimate case.

Contact details

To view the Lloyds Bank contact details press the button below

View Lloyds Bank complaints contact details


Making a complaint to Lloyds with Resolver

With Resolver you can make a complaint to Lloyds Bank. Resolver is the free guided complaint tool to assist you in submitting and managing your complaint with Lloyds. Resolver is recognised by the Financial Ombudsman Service and so any cases submitted through resolver will be recogised by the Financial Ombudsman Service if the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction. Lloyds bank may not respond back through resolver to your complaint but you can use resolver to manage your case and to record all your information in an electronic case file. In addition resolver will tell you when you can escalate your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service. 

If your complaint cannot be resolved

In order to refer a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, you must meet the Financial Ombudsman Service eligibility criteria. The Financial Ombudsman Service will consider complaints from:

  • a private individual
  • a small business which has an annual turnover, and/or balance sheet, of up to 2 million euros and fewer than ten staff (micro enterprise)
  • a charity which has an annual income of less than £1million
  • a trustee of a trust which has a net asset value of less than £1million.

After 8 weeks if your complaint with Lloyds cannot be resolved then you can escalate your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Lloyds are required to follow any recommendations of the Financial Ombudsman Service provides. They will look at your case from the perspevtive of what is reasonable and fair. The Ombudsman role is to undertake an independent assessment that is free to you and means whatever decision they make about your complaint if you chose to accept it Lloyds has to accept it as well. 

Resolver is free 

If you use a Claims Management Company they will charge you up to 38% for their service. Resolver is a free tool that helps you to manage your own complaint, recording and reminding so that you know what to do and when. We make complaining smarter and ensure you can manage your complaint and save the cost of claiming, why pay when you can be guided on how to do the same for free. 

Resolver is recommended by Moneysavingexpert.com

Moneysavingexpert.com recommends using resolver to raise and resolve your banking complaints. 

Working with

With Resolver you can send your case to key ombudsmen and regulators including:

The Furniture Ombudsman logo Ombudsman Services logo Financial Ombudsman Service logo CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) logo Gambling Commission logo Consumer Dispute Resolution Ltd logo Transport Focus logo