Home insurance - Monthly payments meant to be no extra charge
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Be aware that insurers who don’t charge interest on your monthly payments will work out cheaper overall or provide you with the most suitable cover. The best way to get the right cover at the right price is to compare the premiums you're quoted by providers that don’t charge you interest for paying monthly with the total cost of cover (the quote for cover plus interest) quoted by providers who do charge extra.
If your quotation advertised the policy as having had no interest added to monthly payments, but your insurer is unwilling to adequately deal with your problem then as a last resort you can escalate to the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will be able to mediate between you and your insurance provider - if your policy has been advertised as being interest free it would appear that you have reason to seek compensation if it is not!
Resolver can help you resolve this issue quickly, free of charge and without the hassle. We can also help you with the next step of writing your complaint. Click on the link below to create your email.
If you can't resolve your issue within 8 weeks of making your complaint (or if you've received a 'deadlock letter' or final decision from the company), you can escalate your case to the Ombudsman.
Your complaint must be under 6 months old to be escalated to the Ombudsman.
Find the best rights for you
We have 5,116 pages of rights advice for you covering 10,943 companies and organisations across 16 public & private sectors. Feel free to browse companies for this specific issue - they're all listed below - but the quickest way to find the best rights for you is by using our unique Rights Finder to access our extensive database of advice.
Start by telling us the name of the company or organisation you have an issue with.
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Helping you with Monthly payments meant to be no extra charge
Resolver covers the issue Monthly Payments Meant To Be No Extra Charge for 164 companies and organisations: