Having problems with Karen Millen? Use Resolver to make a complaint.
It’s quick, easy and (best of all) it’s free.
How do we calculate metrics?
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Karen Millen

64 %

Resolution rate

Most complained about services

Online shopping In-store shopping

Most common issues

Refunds and returns issue Delivery problem Product quality issue
Having problems with Karen Millen? Use Resolver to make a complaint.
It’s quick, easy and (best of all) it’s free.

Resolver is not affiliated to, linked with or otherwise endorsed by Karen Millen.
We are an entirely independent issue-resolution tool that enables the raising and handling of consumer issues, making complaining simpler for everyone.

How does Resolver work?

Free forever

Resolver is free. Just raise a case and leave feedback after. Simple! We’ve helped millions of people find a resolution. Get started now and let’s get this sorted.

Know your rights

There’s no jargon in our rights guides. Instead, they’re full of the info you need to get things sorted. We’ll always be on hand with guidance and support to help you get the results you’re looking for.

Get your voice heard

You can be certain that you’re talking to the right person at the right time. We automatically connect you to contacts at thousands of household names, ombudsmen and regulators to find a resolution.

Here's what some of our 5,082,386 users had to say

Wow! Thank you so much. I emailed a retailer for a refund on headphones that were never delivered, over 20 times, yet had no joy. As soon as Resolver got involved I got my refund within hours.
Richy G via facebook
Resolver got cracking on my case really quickly. The following day the retailer I had an issue with was in touch and just a few days later I received a full refund. It was much easier than I expected to set up a case with Resolver and you can add to it later. Highly recommend Resolver, brilliant company to have on your side
Mel F via facebook
I used Resolver to complain to my credit card provider about charges added to my balance after I had tried to set up a payment plan. Everything has been sorted in 1 business day and the credit card provider removed over a £100 of charges. Very happy.
Andy F via facebook
Absolutely brilliant! Got a replacement and refund for a microwave fox from a store, without a receipt or proof of purchase!! Very impressed with both companies
Nikki H via facebook
Thank you Resolver for helping me sort out a problem with my sofa. All worked out very well and very quickly. Great service once again!
Julie M via facebook
Fantastic service ! Sorted out my refund through an online retailer within hours. Thanks x
Adele V via facebook
This is a free service to help consumers obtain a financial settlement of an outstanding matter. Rather than go to the Small Claims Court or Trading Standards you can often resolve matters with the help of Resolver. Even the mention of the name to a company you are trying to deal with will often produce sudden and welcome results. I have used Resolver to obtain a refund from a mail order company after I returned defective goods.
Adrian V via facebook
I am absolutely blown away by Resolver. Recommended by Martin Lewis and after being tormented by an untold amount of emails back and forth to a deals site trying to prove I hadn't received my laptop, for more than 2 weeks, Resolver resolved it! All it took was 1 letter from Resolver and all was sorted within 2 hours and a reluctant refund back on my card offered. No messing about. Couldn't be happier. Thank you so much Resolver
Karen Sheridan via facebook
I used resolver regarding a product I had purchased from a well respected supermarket. Resolver took on my case and sorted it out in no time at all. I would recommend Resolver to anyone - it’s free and gives an excellent quick service
Violet H via facebook

Helping you with Karen Millen

How do I make a Karen Millen complaint using Resolver?

If you want to make a complaint about Karen Millen using Resolver, then the process could not be simpler. Read and understand your consumer rights then answer a few simple questions to help Resolver prepare your email (which you can review and edit) that clarifies the issue, and gets the best from your complaint. You will be given the option to make your complaint by phone via our mobile app.

How does my Karen Millen case file work?

Resolver allows you to keep a record of any email correspondence sent between you and Karen Millen, as well any phone calls made via our mobile app. You can make private notes about your case as well as set yourself reminders. Furthermore, Resolver sends you notifications when it's time to escalate your case to help keep things on track. If you cannot resolve your complaint with Karen Millen, Resolver enables you to escalate it to the relevant regulatory body – the contents of your case file is sent as supporting evidence.

Is it free to make a Karen Millen complaint via Resolver?

Absolutely. Making any complaint via Resolver will never involve any costs for you, the consumer, other than the cost of any phone calls you make (at the cost of a national-rate call).

Contact details

To view the Karen Millen contact details press the button below

View Karen Millen complaints contact details


To help you get the best response from your Karen Millen complaint Resolver guides you through every step of the process.

To help you get the best response from your Karen Millen complaint, Resolver can put you in touch directly with the best person or department you need to speak to. We will also advise you how to word your complaint in order to get a swift resolution to your issue.

In addition, Resolver will help you record all calls and correspondence you make via our app and website. Plus, we will help you gather all your information into a case file should you wish to escalate your Karen Millen complaint.

Working with

With Resolver you can send your case to key ombudsmen and regulators including:

The Furniture Ombudsman logo Ombudsman Services logo Financial Ombudsman Service logo CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) logo Gambling Commission logo Consumer Dispute Resolution Ltd logo Transport Focus logo