Resolver for businesses - frequently asked questions

Resolver: a new way to resolve issues

Resolver is the free complaints tool. It helps consumers understand their rights, prepare their emails, and record all their communications - including phone calls. It also explains when it’s best to escalate an issue, as well as who to escalate a complaint to so they can best resolve an issue.  

We do not take control of the consumer's case, and we do not act on behalf of the consumer - we simply provide a guided and organised channel. When a business gets a well-structured case it is quicker and easy to deal with and to resolve. A customer's issues resolved is good for the business and good for the consumer.

The value of working with Resolver

Resolver enables your customers to engage with you in a way that makes them feel informed and empowered rather than frustrated. This added confidence minimises the need for them to seek advice on forums or social media, so helps to avoid negative publicity that just won’t go away. 

Resolver ensures the issue is simple to understand for the consumer and that the business gains feedback on the customer’s emotion throughout the process. This helps the business to resolve the customer’s issue more effectively. We are proactively working with a number of companies to optimise their customers' experience.  

Resolver encourages the consumer to engage

Resolver does not take control of the case on behalf of the customer. Resolver only helps explain the complaints process and helps a customer prepare and record communications in a personal case file that only they control and manage. Resolver encourages the consumer to engage with the business and the focus is to ensure both parties resolve their issue.

Resolver does not charge the consumer

There is no charge to the consumer.

We don’t charge the business either

We guarantee there will be no charge to the business for the consumer service. Resolver is free for businesses to accept cases from and there is no charge for adding details of your policies for how you handle complaint cases or ensuring your escalation process are correct. This helps to ensure users of Resolver have the best experience and that your business is represented fairly and effectively. Our aim is to help you to resolve your customers' issues. 

Does Resolver cause more complaints?

Yes and no. Resolver makes it easier for the consumer to engage with a business and to raise issues. But while this can potentially raise the number of complaints, it also prevents consumers from making unwarranted complaints by ensuring they understand their rights. We see that around 25% of consumers do not raise an issue once they understand their rights and those that do are more reasonable in the way they approach the business. 

If they then do complain, their expectations are set appropriately, and issues can be resolved more quickly with greater levels of satisfaction for all parties. We believe it is important for a consumer to be given the correct rights and so to understand what is fair and reasonable. 

How Resolver makes money

Resolver’s key revenue source is from data intelligence. Resolver captures data on each company and how they handle and resolve issues. This effectively delivers ‘mystery shopper’ and ‘customer feedback’ services automatically for each case that passes through the Resolver system. This data intelligence is then available for purchase as our aim is to help business to deliver a better service as that will help consumers to be happy with their services.

Storing of the customer information

The Resolver data is held in a secure PCI-compliant database requiring secure SSL data connections from the web server or any other database client. All data entered by the consumer into Resolver is via encrypted HTTPS.

By replying you’re not breaking data protection rules 

Please be aware this is an email from your customer using their email address @resolver. So it’s not breaking data protection rules, just as an email to someone is not disclosure to Google, nor classified as the export of data outside the EEA based on email server location. Any individual is free to disclose their own personal data to persons and companies of their choosing. Please ensure you 'white' their Resolver email address -

How you know who the customer is

Under the Electronic Communications Act (2000) and the Electronic Signatures Regulation (2002), if you have no less certainty as to the identity of the customer than you would be in normal correspondence, then you must accept the customer’s electronic communication.

Even if you have a registered email address for the customer, anyone could be sending from this email, therefore receiving an email via Resolver is ‘no less certain’ to be the true identity of the customer and Resolver is 'no less applicable' as a true digital signature for that customer.

What if the Resolver processes is inaccurate?

Resolver has built processes for all companies in the system, but, this is the initial process and we are keen to update these to ensure it is correct and aligned with the businesses processes.  Resolver is focused on resolving problems and are to be a neutral to help aid resolution, that means we will always be fair and reasonable.  

Find out more

Want to find out more about Resolver then email us at:

Who do you have an issue with?

Raise it for free via Resolver