PPI Tracker - Check if you had PPI

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A check of whether or not you had PPI is NOT an official complaint. If you did have PPI and you think you were mis-sold, then please use our ‘Mis-sold PPI’ form to raise a formal complaint with the financial institution. If you want to make a Plevin complaint then please use our Plevin form. Our PPI guide can help inform you on your rights.

You should know
Important: Don't leave it until the last minute as websites can crash. PPI claims have to be received by the bank by 11.59pm on Thursday 29 August 2019 at the latest – but we suggest you work to the day before to avoid the last-minute stampede. If you leave it until the final day to submit your claim using our tool, MSE and Resolver can’t 100% guarantee your complaint will reach the bank in time, as technology could fail due to systems being stretched by the late rush. So it is safer complaining directly to your provider if you leave it until Thursday 29 August.   
If you’re complaining on 28th or 29th August we strongly recommend that you contact the business yourself as well and get them to confirm that you’ve registered a complaint before the deadline.  
  • This PPI checker tool has been created to provide a simple way of finding out whether you had PPI with a particular company.
  • A check of whether or not you had PPI is NOT an official complaint. If you did have PPI and you think you were mis-sold, then please use our ‘Mis-sold PPI’ form to raise a formal complaint with the financial institution. If you want to make a Plevin complaint then please use our Plevin form. Our PPI guide can help inform you on your rights.
  • If you use Resolver's PPI checker and it finds that you have not been sold PPI in the past, you will not be able to escalate the results to the Financial Ombudsman.

  • PPI stands for ‘payment protection insurance’. It’s an insurance product that you can take out to protect you if you cannot make repayments on a loan or credit agreement if you get sick, have an accident that means you’re unable to work, or just lose your job.

  • Many people were not made aware that they were taking out PPI. Since many policies were mis-sold, we wanted to make it easy for consumers to identify whether or not they had PPI.

  • Many financial institutions will choose to contact you by phone or post to let you know whether or not you had PPI.

Just what is PPI?

In simple terms, PPI stands for ‘payment protection insurance’. It’s an insurance product that you can take out to protect you if you cannot make repayments on a loan or credit agreement if you get sick, have an accident that means you’re unable to work, or just lose your job.

How you can find out if you’ve had PPI?

Submitting our quick and easy form is a really easy way to find out whether or not you had PPI. Once you’ve submitted the form the company should get back to you (this may be through Resolver, by email, telephone or post - unfortunately we can’t control that) and let you know whether you did have PPI.

By adding as much detail to your check as possible (e.g all previous addresses, attachments of any paperwork relating to the loan / mortgage or PPI policy that you may have) you will maximise the chances of the company finding your policy.

What do I do if I did have PPI?

If you did have PPI then you have a few options for what you can do next. Our PPI guide has loads of useful information as to what your options are, and how best to make a claim.

The PPI time cap

The final deadline for making a new PPI complaint is the 29th August 2019. This has been set by the Financial Conduct Authority to prompt consumers to make their complaints. If you think you were mis-sold PPI, or think you have a claim under the Plevin ruling, you must raise your complaint before this date.


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