Boundary Mill logo
Boundary Mill
Active on Resolver
Shops Sector
Boundary Mill logo
Boundary Mill

Active on Resolver
Shops Sector
About Boundary Mill

Resolver can help you contact Boundary Mill to get your issue sorted. The most common types of complaints raised against Boundary Mill include Customer service issue and Payment/pricing issue.

How does Resolver work?
Raise a case
A Resolver case file helps you stay on top of your complaint by keeping all of your communications in one place. Use our email templates, up-to-date contact processes, reminders and the option to escalate to the regulator when the time is right.
Know your rights
Our rights guides help you stay informed about legislation and regulatory guidance across various sectors and issues. Advocate for yourself and get the support and assistance you’re entitled to from companies and regulators.
Get your voice heard
Our platform helps connect you to household names, ombudsmen and regulators - so you can be certain that you’re talking to the right person at the right time.
Join a collective redress
We work with recommended providers to help you find out if you've been overcharged, mis-sold, or are entitled to some form of legal redress. Our expertise in consumer rights means that we are leading the way in collective redress in the UK.

Contact Boundary Mill directly

Park Ln
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE27 0BS

Phone number
0191 297 2420
Please check with your phone provider if you are unsure about how much a call will cost.

Resolver is not affiliated to, linked with or otherwise endorsed by Boundary Mill.
We are an entirely independent issue-resolution tool that enables the raising and handling of consumer issues, making complaining simpler for everyone.