How to complain to Ofcom
Ofcom is the body responsible for regulating the broadcasting, postal and telecommunications sectors . Part of its remit covers dealing with consumer complaints.
If you want to complain to Ofcom, a great place to start is Ofcom’s website. This has a section dedicated to advice on how to complain about topics ranging from billing and charges to faults, contracts or even the way a service was sold to you. A complaint via Ofcom's website will direct you to a simple online form.
Ofcom will not handle or investigate complaints about specific cases - although we do recommend you raise any general telecoms issues with Ofcom. If you have a specific complaint, you’ll need to take it up with the telecoms company or service concerned. If you’re unsuccessful with this, then you can resort to an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service - in this case either Ombudsman Services or CISAS .