Housing - Council tax is too high

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Valuation bands in England and Scotland are based on property values on 1 April 1991, not what a property is worth today. Valuation bands in Wales are based on property values on 1 April 2003. You can challenge your Council Tax band if you think it’s wrong, but you should continue to pay your Council Tax bill while you do this.

  • Ask the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) to check your Council Tax band.
  • Make a formal challenge to the VOA but you should check you are enligible to do this before you do it.

Ask the Valuation Office to check your banding

Contact the VOA by phone if you think your band is wrong, eg because similar properties in your street are in a different band. They’ll tell you how your Council Tax band has been worked out. If they agree your band is wrong, they’ll put it right. Your council will then update your Council Tax bill. This service is free.

Valuation Office Agency

Telephone: 0300 0501 501 Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm

You can’t appeal against this decision, but in some cases you may be able to make a formal challenge against your banding (called a ‘proposal’).

How long it takes

You’ll get a decision from the VOA within 4 months.

They’ll either: change your Council Tax band - your local council will revise your bill and adjust your payments tell you why your band can’t be changed

If you disagree with the VOA’s decision In England, if you make a formal challenge and disagree with the VOA’s decision, you can appeal to the independent Valuation Tribunal. You must appeal within 3 months of getting the VOA’s decision.

The tribunal is free and can make the VOA re-examine your challenge.

In Wales, if you and the VOA can’t agree, your challenge will be heard by a local Valuation Tribunal. If the tribunal agrees with you, the VOA will change your band and the council will update your bill.

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